Where can I change who is emailed when actions are performed on a request?
Email notification settings can easily be updated within the Time-Off Module.
While logged in as Admin, follow these steps:
Time-Off Module
Account Settings
Time-Off Request tab
Update your options
Time-Off Request Email Notifications - Set who is notified when an action is performed on a request.
Only Schedule Days/Skip Holidays - When users create a multi-day request, set whether or not weekends or holidays count towards the number of days requested.
Exclude Lunch Time - decide if users are able to deduct lunch from partial day requests
Paid Holiday Requests - set whether a user is alerted or blocked from submitting a request on a paid holiday.
Additional Alert Notice - provide extra notice that users receive when they are prevented from making a request.
iCalendar email attachments - decide whether to include an iCal file in notification emails.
Quick Links in Emails - decide which links are included in emails for managers to action requests
Show Balances - decide if Balances show in Emails and/or in Request Dialog
Include Names in Email Subjects - decide whether to include request owner name in email subject
Allow Users to Add Comments - set if users are able to add comments at any given time
Approval Path within Email - if using Approval Path, set if the path is shown in the email