Accrual Rules

If your time-off type uses an accrual, choose one of the following options to determine how your time will accrue and its limits.


Continue accruing with no limit until the calendar year renewal date. Accrual will reset when the time-off type renews.

Example: An employee accrues 1 day a month. They will have accrued 12 days from January to December. Once the new calendar year begins, your time-off type will reset based on your renewal rule.

Balance is Full

Time accrues until an employee’s balance is equal to the yearly allowance for the time-off type. We recommend using this with “Balance to Date” as the Balance Type. This will allow employees to book future time off, but they will only start accruing again after the requested date. 

This option takes carry-over into account.

Example: An employee carries over 5 days and they have an annual allowance of 10 days. They will accrue 5 days until their balance reaches 10 days. If they book time off, this will free up space in their balance and they will start accruing again based on your Balance Type (either after the requested date or right away if using Usable Balance) until their balance reaches 10 days once again.

Allowance is Full

Time will accrue until it reaches the maximum yearly allowance. This option does not take carry-over into account, so it would be possible for an employee to carry-over time and still accrue the full amount of their yearly allowance.

Example: An employee has a yearly allowance of 10 days. Time will accrue until it reaches 10 days and then stops accruing until the calendar year renews.

Max Balance Of

Time accrues until it reaches the maximum that you have set. If an employee uses time, they will start accruing again until it reaches the maximum. We recommend you use this with “Balance to Date” as your Balance Type. This will allow employees to book future time off, but they will only start accruing again after the requested date.

Example: You’ve set a maximum balance of 40 hours. Your employee accrues 40 hours and they stop accruing. They they use 10 hours. They will now start to accrue again until they are back up to 40 hours.

Certain Date

Time accrues within a date range that you choose. We recommend this option when you want employees to accrue their total allowance sooner than the end of the calendar year.

Example: You want your employees to have their full allowance by October with no accruals in November and December. You would set your date range from January 1 to October 31.

Max Ratio of Allowance

Time accrues until the employee’s balance is equal to the yearly allowance multiplied by the ratio you set. This option does not take carry-over into account. 

Example: If an employee has a yearly allowance of 80 hours and you want them to accrue until 120 hours, the ratio would be 1.5. 

Balance + Used Hours = Allowance

Time will accrue as long as an employee’s balance plus the time they’ve taken that year is below their allowance. This is to ensure that they don’t accrue more than their allowance even if they’re given extra balance (manually) throughout the year.

We recommend using this option with your Restriction set to “Allow Pre-Book,” so employees can book time as long as they will have earned that amount by year-end.

Example: Your annual allowance is 100 hours. If you decide to manually add 20 hours to an employee’s balance, they will then only accrue 80 hours that year to prevent them from going over the limit.