What reports are available to me?

How many reports are available to me?
There are currently 28 reports in the system.  Some are available to Administrators only while others are available to both Managers and Administrators.
Available to Managers and Administrators: Time-Off Summary
The Time-Off Summary Report gives you detailed information in regards to the Users Allowance, Balances, Approved, Pending, Rejected, and Cancelled Requests.  If you allow Carry Over and/or Banked Time, this report will also include information in regards to these options. You can also print the Audit Trail from this report.  
Time-Off Details (Available as an Automated Report)
The Time-Off Details report gives you information on all time-off requests that were approved, still pending, or declined within a date range.  You can filter these requests by Users and Time-off Types.  You can also use the "Group By" filter to group the time-off requests by Dates, Time-off Types, Users, Departments, Week, or Multi-Day Requests.
Time-Off Totals (Available as an Automated Report)
The Time-Off Summary report gives you summarized information on all time-off requests that were approved or still pending within a date range.  You can filter these requests by Users and Time-Off Types. You can also use the "Group By" filter to group the time-off requests by Time-Off Types or Users.
Time-Off Breakdown
This report displays the amount of time accrued and the time-off taken for each month within the date range, for the selected time-off type. 
Please note: This report can only be generated for 6 months at a time. You may have to run it once for Jan-Jun and then once for Jul-Dec to get a full year.
Balance / Allowance
The Balance / Allowance report gives you information on all time-off types' balance and allowance for each User.  The balance shown can be one of (4) available options: 
  • Balance (Usable): Displays the current balance an employee is entitled to use on time-off requests
  • Balance (To Date): Displays the current balance without removing time-off for their future pending and approved requests
  • Balance (To Date) Including New Requests: Will subtract hours from approved requests, where the request date is prior to the 'as of' date, but the actual 'creation date' of the request was after the 'as of' date
  • Estimated Year-End Balance: Displays the projected end of year balance, based on automatic accruals, and all past, current, and future scheduled requests
Start / End Year Balances
This report displays the time-off type's beginning balance/allowance that was set at the beginning of the selected calendar year.
It also displays the ending balance/allowance the time-off type was at for the selected calendar year end. 
Please note: The end of year balances and allowances are only generated once that the calendar year ends.
Balance Projection
The Balance / Projection Report estimates time-off information such as the balance and hours pending at a specific point in time.  It also displays a projected balance to the selected End Date.
Please note: This report should only be generated for time-off types that accrue over time.
Type By Months
The Type By Months Report displays time-off information on all/selected users, by month, for a specific time-off type.  It also displays information regarding each user's remaining balance, adjustments, carry-over and days accrued (if applicable).
Pending Requests (Available as an Automated Report)
The Pending Requests report gives you information on all pending time-off requests that were taken within a date range.  You can filter these requests by Users and TimeOffTypes.  You can also use the "Group By" filter to group the time-off requests by TimeOffTypes or Users.
Month End Summary (Available as an Automated Report)
The Month End Summary report gives you detailed information on all selected time-off types assigned to each user, with a snapshot of what their balance was at the end of that month, and the number of hours/days used in that month.  Click the "Only Show Taken Time-Off" checkbox to only show users that have taken time off during the month.
Auto-Renewal Logs
The Auto-Renewal Logs report gives you information on all renewals within a date range.
You can filter these requests by Users and TimeOffTypes.
You can also use the "Group By" filter to group the time-off requests by Dates, TimeOffTypes or Users.
User Time-Off Form
Generate a summarized form of all the time-off taken in between a date range, for a specific user.
This form can then be printed and signed if required.
Annual Time-Off
Generate an annual summary report for a specific user and calendar year, which will contain information on the previous calendar year, in terms of carry-over and previous balances.
This report can then be printed and signed if required.
User Year-End Time-Off
Generate a summary that displays the time carried over from the previous year, the amount the time accrued/allowed, time-off took and the remaining balance of each time-off type, for all selected user(s).
Manual Request Forms

Provide your employees with a way to submit time-off requests by having them fill out a Manual Time-Off Request Form. To generate the forms, you need to select the year, a time-off type and then select the users for which you want to generate the forms. This will generate a PDF file, which will contain all the pre-populated forms.

User Banked Time
The User Banked Time Report gives you detailed information regarding all Banked Time Requests that have been submitted in the system.  This includes Approved, Pending, Rejected and Cancelled Requests.
Banked Time Summary
The Banked Time Summary report gives you summarized information on all banked time requests that were approved or still pending within a date range.  You can filter these requests by Users.
Banked Time Details 
The Banked Time Details report gives you information on all banked time requests that were approved, still pending, or declined within a date range.  You can optionally only include approved requests.
Birthday / Anniversary
This report is used to get a list of everyone's birthdate (for the current year), anniversary date (for the current year) and next length of service accrual dates (for one year in the future).
You must check at least one type of data to display.
Available to Administrators only: Allowance Settings
The Allowance Settings report gives you detailed information on all time-off types and time-off policies assigned to each user, with their settings.
Current Balance Standing
CBS is a ratio calculated based on the time-off taken so far, versus the amount of time virtually accrued since the start of the calendar year.  The CBS report should only be generated for users that do NOT use Balance Accruals.  You can filter the information by Users and TimeOffTypes.
Please note: The CBS report is not intended to display your users' current balance.  To view your users' current balance, please refer to the Balance / Allowance.
Balance Accrual List
The Balance Accrual List report gives you detailed information on all active balance accruals setup for each User.
Balance Accrual Logs
The Balance Accrual report gives you information on all balance accruals that occurred within a date range.  You can filter the information by Users and Time-Off Types.
Balance Audit Logs
The Balance Audit Trail report gives you information on all audit logs that occurred on the selected users' balance, within a date range.
You can filter the information by Users and Time-Off Types.
Please note: Due to the possibility of generating a large amount of data, the date range is limited to a one month period.
User Information 
The User Information report gives you detailed information on all selected Users. 
User Management 
This report displays how User Management is currently set up in your account.
Below are the details on each View:
  • Managers: Displays all Managers, with the list of Users they are managing.
  • Users: Displays all Users, with the list of Managers they are managed by.
  • Unmanaged Users: Displays a list of all Users that currently do not have a Manager.
Bradford Factor 
The Bradford Factor is used as a means of measuring worker absenteeism. It is a method of calculating absence in order to put a ‘weighting’ on the absence. The lower your Bradford Factor is, the better! The Bradford Factor is calculated as  S x S x D, where:

·  S is the total number of spells (instances) of absence of an individual over a set period
·  D is the total number of days of absence of that individual over the same set period

The 'set period' is typically set as a rolling 52 week period. Please note the Bradford Factor is only one method of looking at absence and may not be appropriate for all organizations.
Carry-Over Details

The Carry Over Details Report gives you easy access to information about carryovers that have occurred. You will see details on when a carry-over happened and how much was carried over. You will also see details about when it is going to expire and how many hours are left to use, or if it has already expired, and how much time has been lost.

Weekly Payroll

The Weekly Payroll report displays the total number of time-off hours taken for each day of a week. Each totals are displayed as #x, where # is the number of time-off hours taken on that day, and x is the first letter of the time-off type name.