Creating Time-Off Types

Time-Off Types categorize the types of leave your company offers. These types can be either deductible or non-deductible.

Deductible: Any time-off type that deducts from a bank of time. For example, vacation is a deductible type because employees start with a certain amount of days they can take in a year.

Non-Deductible: These time-off types are more for tracking purposes. They do not deduct from a bank of time. For example, work-from-home could be a non-deductible time-off type because you don’t give employees an allowance for the year, but you may want to track the time.

How to Create a New Time-Off Type

Under Main Menu, select Settings then Time-Off Types. Select Add New under either Deductible or Non-Deductible.

By default, fields will be filled in with the most common options, however, we recommend you fill in the following options:

  1. Choose a name (ie: Vacation, Sick, Bereavement)
  2. Color Reference: Select a color to represent the time-off type. You can have this color display in your Time-Off™ calendar or display by Department.
  3. Deduct Hours From Bank?: Turn on if you’re creating a deductible time-off type. This will deduct time from a user’s allowance.
  4. Deduct From: By default, a time-off type will deduct from itself, but you have the option to deduct from a different time-off type. If you include all of your PTO in one bank, you can set up multiple Time-Off Types to deduct from that bank to track the types of PTO being used. For example: You could set up a “Sick” time-off type but have it deduct from your PTO bank.
  5. Allow Request Types: Choose if users will be able to request this time-off type as full or partial days (or both). If partial day, select the increments of time allowed for these requests (ie: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc.)
  6. View in Calendar: Select who will be able to view this type on the Time-Off™ calendar.
  7. Paid For: If you use Time-Clock™ or Time-Sheet™, select whether this time-off type is paid by your company. This will affect certain reports in those modules.

Want more information on the remaining Time-Off Type options? Hover over the blue question mark beside each option.

Next Steps
Once your time-off type is created, you must add it to a policy. Learn all about policies here . Once added to a policy, you must then assign it to your users. If this step is missed, the user will not have the Time-Off Type available when requesting time off.