Here are the most common reasons you may not be able to access your PurelyHR account.
Forgot your username and/or password
If you've logged in before and forgot your username or password simply select the "Forgot USERNAME or PASSWORD" link and follow the instruction below. Alternatively, you can reach out to your account administrator or email to request a new Welcome email.
After clicking the password reset link, enter your email address and select retrieve. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. Note: The email entered here has to match the email on your profile.
From the email, select the "Reset Password" link
Create a new password. Password requirements:
Must be more than 8 characters long
Must be less than 20 characters long
May not contain more than three repeating characters
Must contain one or more numbers
Must contain at least one lowercase letter
Must contain at least one uppercase letter
Select "Submit"
From there, enter your CompanyID, username and the new password you just created. Your CompanyID and username can be found in the Password Reset email.
Select "Sign in"
Using a Welcome email older than 30 Days
The "Get Started" link from the Welcome email expires after 30 days. Reach out to your account administrator or email to request a new Welcome email.
Never logged in before
If you have never logged in before, you will need to reach out to your account administrator or email to request a Welcome email.
Once your organization is ready to start using PurelyHR, you will receive a Welcome email. Here's how to action the Welcome email.