Automated Reports

Can I have a report sent every week with the same information selected?

Automated reports can be set up to send to specified people on daily, weekly or monthly intervals.  You have the choice of four reports: Time-off Details, Time-off Summary, Month End Summary, & Pending Requests

These can be set up within the Time-off Module by following these steps:

  1. Tools
  2. Automated Report
  3. Add New Report
  4. Select which of the four reports to generate
  5. Add a custom name for the report
  6. Select which users to include in the report
  7. Select which time-off types to include in the report
  8. Choose the format the email will send in
  9. Choose which Managers or Admins will receive the report
  10. Set occurrence (Daily, Weekly or Monthly)
  11. Set time 
  12. Set the date range (A report for the last two weeks would be set from -14 to 0.  One including last week and this week would be set from -7 to +7.  Reports can span a maximum of 30 days.)
If a Manager or Admin leaves the company, make sure to remove them from the automated report!