Banked Time Request Settings

We offer time in lieu for overtime hours worked.  How do we track this?

Overtime or travel hours can be tracked using the Banked Time function. This time can be transferred and multiply into one of your Time-Off type balances upon approval.  

Once logged into your Admin account, follow these steps to enable Banked Time:

  1. Time-Off Module
  2. Account Settings
  3. Banked Time tab
  4. Under Banked Time Setting, there are five options for Allow Banked Time:
    • No: Users cannot submit banked time requests (Admins are able to)
    • Yes - Basic Info: Users can submit banked time requests, and must provide basic information
    • Yes - Detailed (Overtime and Travel Time): Users can submit banked time requests and must provide detailed information
    • Yes - Detailed (Overtime Only): Users can submit banked time requests and must provide detailed information
    • Yes - Detailed (Travel Time Only): Users can submit banked time requests and must provide detailed information
  5. Verify Banked Time Settings:
    • Banked Time Default Transfer - By default, banked time stays in its own location until transferred.  Set the specific time-off type it transfers to here.
    • Banked Time Auto-Renewal Settings - Define whether or not Banked Time is carried over at the start of a new calendar year
      • Reset: All unused banked hours will be deleted
      • Port Over - Active: All unused banked hours will be ported over to the new calendar year and can be transferred into time-off types at a later date
      • Port Over - Stored: All unused banked hours will be ported over to the new calendar year but will be assigned to the STORED bank.  This is only used for retirement purposes.
    • Manager To Submit Time Requests For Their Users - Turn on if you want Managers to have this ability
    • Banked Time Request Email Notification - Set whether or not users will receive notification when a Manager or Admin creates a request on their behalf
    • Allow Future Banked Time Requests - To prevent users from submitted future banked time requests, turn this off
    • CC Managers - Enable if you would like Managers to receive an email when a banked time request is approved
?????? Note: Further down on the page you can set the time increments of banked time requests
As Administrator, you are able to input Banked Time requests for users even if this option is not enabled