Onboarding Templates

Onboarding templates help you organize tasks for new hires. They include tasks for the new hire to complete, as well as company tasks you can assign to relevant departments/employees.

If all of your employees follow the same onboarding process, you can use 1 template. If you have multiple onboarding processes, we recommend creating them based on departments or offices.

Setting Up a New Onboarding Template

From the Staff™ module, select Onboarding Templates from the lefthand menu under Settings:

  1. Click New Template
  2. Name the template (Example: General Onboarding or Customer Service Onboarding)
  3. Provide a contact person in case there are questions during the onboarding process. Typically, this would be HR or the hiring manager.
  4. Choose if you want managers to see all tasks included in the onboarding template (this is the default setting). Turn off if you only want managers to see tasks assigned to them.
  5. Select Add

Complete the template by filling out the following sections:

Employee tasks

These tasks are assigned to the  new employee. Click  Add Task to get started.
Types of tasks include: 
  • Document to sign 
  • Document to read
  • Document to fill out 
  • Checkbox (a general task with a box to check off when completed)
To attach a document to an onboarding template, upload the document beforehand under  Documents in the lefthand menu.
Upload account documents that apply to all employees (ex: employee handbook, company policy documents) when creating an onboarding template. Documents for individual employees (ex: employment contract, offer letter) are uploaded when starting the onboarding process.

Document to sign

Upload a document to sign and the new hire will have to download the document then electronically sign it by typing their name and saving it. 

Administrators can see when the task is complete by selecting Onboarding then the new hire's name. Completed tasks are in green with a checkmark beside them. To see a confirmation of signature, go to Documents in the lefthand menu and select View History beside the relevant document. 

Document to read

Upload a document to read and the new hire can download the document and then select the checkbox beside the task to confirm that it was read. 

Document to fill out

This would give the new employee the ability to download the document, fill it out, and then upload it to PurelyHR for an Admin and/or Manager to review. Accepted file formats are .doc or .docx.

To access all documents and signatures related to onboarding tasks, go to Staff Directory, select the user, click on the Documents tab, and go to the  User Documents folder. 


This can be used for more general tasks or to confirm that the new hire understands and acknowledges a specific task. 

Company Tasks

Assign tasks to a specific person or department to help with onboarding (for example: setting up a new hire's email address, assigning someone to give an office tour, or setting up a laptop or other equipment). Click  Add Task to get started.
You will need to provide the following information:
  • Task Name
  • Description: What the task involves or additional information the person assigned to this task should know (optional)
  • Department: A specific department to be able to see at a glance what kind of departments are assigned to different tasks (optional
  • Assigned To: Select the user who is responsible for this task
  • Due Date: Based on the user's hired date, when is this task due? Default is the hired date (ie: 0 days)

Special Instructions

Provide any special instructions for new hires. For example, parking instructions, if lunch will be provided on their first day, or any additional information regarding any of the onboarding tasks.

This step is optional. You can leave this field blank.


Share documents and/or links with your new hires as they onboard. Resources could include your employee handbook, benefits documents, tax documents, etc. To add a new resource, click Add Resource.

This step is optional.

Starting the Onboarding Process

When you're done setting up your onboarding template, go to Onboarding in the side menu and click Onboard New Employee to start the onboarding process.

Reminder: This is where you will upload documents for individual employees.
*Please note, Creating onboarding templates can only be performed by an administrator*