
Does PurelyHR have the option to log in securely with OneLogin?

PurelyHR does have the ability to log in through OneLogin. 

What benefits does OneLogin provide? 

  1. Increase Enterprise Compliance
OneLogin enables IT identity policy enforcement and instantly disables app access for employees who leave or change roles in real time by removing them from Active Directory.  Take control over application access, quickly on- and off-board team members, and provide end users with easy access to all their apps on every device. Extend your on-premises security model to the cloud in minutes.
  1. Measurable Cost Reduction
Eliminate the pain and expense of extensive identity policy management. OneLogin reduces identity infrastructure costs and complex integration project for each new app and efficiently extends identity policy to the cloud.
  1. Higher Efficacy for IT Identity Teams
OneLogin eliminates the need for lengthy integration and provisioning projects, manual de-provisioning, protracted on- and off-boarding processes, username and password resets, and Shadow IT policing.
  1. Empower Your Enterprise
When your security methods make the work easier, the enterprise benefits. Everyone wins