Setting Up Qualifications

Getting started with Talent™ 

Click on the Talent™ icon at the top of your screen. From the Settings menu on the lefthand side, select Qualification Types.


There are 4 kinds of qualifications you can track in Talent: training, certifications,  accreditations, and licenses .
Training : General education that does not result in a certification or license, including professional development sessions, general training courses/videos, or new hire training.
Certifications : Instruction that results in certification, including professional certifications such as Project Management or equipment that requires a certification to operate.
Licenses : Professional permits for a range of professions, including real estate agents, medical professionals, teachers, insurance professionals, and more.
Accreditation: Used to track adherence to regulator standards.


Each qualification must belong to a type. These types are used to organize and categorize qualifications.
To create a type:
  1. Click Add Type
  2. Name your type. This can be based on departments or categories of training.
  3. Hit Save
Once you have types created for every qualification, you’re ready to add training, certifications, and licenses.
Deleting types:

Deleting a qualification type will also delete any qualifications assigned to that type.

If you want to keep the qualifications, click the edit icon beside the qualification you want to keep and in the Type dropdown menu, assign it to a new type. 

Once all qualifications have been reassigned to a new type, you can delete the type by selecting the delete icon to the right.

Add Qualifications

Navigate to the type of qualification you wish to track by using the tabs at the top.
  1. Click Add Training (Certification, Accreditation, or License, depending on the qualification you’re adding)
  2. Fill in the required information (mandatory fields highlighted in blue)
  • Name
  • Code: Assign a unique code or abbreviation for identification
  • Description: Provide any details employees should know. Employees will see this description when the qualification is assigned to them.
  • Training Type: Choose from the dropdown menu of types you’ve created
  • URL: Link to online materials related to the qualification
  • Est. Time: Provide an estimate of how long it will take to complete in hours
  • Expiration: Turn off option if qualification does not expire. If there is an expiry date, you must provide when it expires. It must be 1 month or more.
  • Renewal: Turn on if you want this to be renewable. You will then choose from the dropdown when it will be available for renewal.
  • Prerequisite: Turn on if there’s a prior qualification they need before this one. If so, a mandatory dropdown box will appear to choose the prerequisite.
  • Documentation: Upload a file or provide a URL to related documentation to help employees complete requirements related to the qualification.
  • Proof of Completion: Turn off if no proof required upon completion. If proof is required, the following file formats are accepted: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .jpg, .jpeg
  • Mandatory: Turn on if training is mandatory
  1. Click Save
Continue these steps until all of the qualifications you want to track have been added.