User Management

Where can I assign Managers to Employees?  
This can be done both within the Staff module or within the Time-Off module.  Below find the instructions for the Time-Off Module. (Staff option can be found here)
To Assign Manager(s) to an Employee:
  1. Time-Off module
  2. Manage Users
  3. User List
  4. Select Employee
  5. Edit User Settings
  6. Management tab
  7. Edit
  8. Select Manager(s) who will manage the User*
  9. Save
The Email box means that the manager will receive a pending approval email when the user in question submit a request.
The Auto Approve box is used if you want your Manager to be able to do a request on behalf of their employee and having that request automatically approved. 
To Assign Employee(s) to a Manager:
  1. Time-Off module
  2. Manage Users
  3. User List
  4. Select Manager
  5. Edit User Settings
  6. Management tab
  7. Edit
  8. Select User(s) who will report to this Manager*
  9. Save
*Substitute Managers - If the Substitute Managers option has been enabled for this account, leaving the Email box unchecked for a Manager will make them a Substitute Manager.  These Managers will only receive an email notification for a time-off request when all main Managers are away on that particular day.
Managers can also be assigned by the Import/Update by CSV function in Staff