What information can be saved in the Profile Tab?
Personal Details:
Name, Email, Gender, Birthdate, Birthplace, Nationality, Marital Status, Marriage Date & Spouse Name
Name, Email, Gender, Birthdate, Birthplace, Nationality, Marital Status, Marriage Date & Spouse Name
Contact Details:
Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Other Phone, Emergency Phone, Emergency Contact Name, & Emergency Relation
Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Other Phone, Emergency Phone, Emergency Contact Name, & Emergency Relation
Address Details:
Address, City, State/Province, & Zip/Postal Code
To update this information for a user, go to:
Address, City, State/Province, & Zip/Postal Code
- Staff Module
- Staff Directory
- Select User
- Profile Tab
- Edit (green pencil)
- Input Information
- Save (green check mark)
All of the above information can be added as optional columns when using the Import/Update from a CSV file function