Edit User Settings

How can I manage my user's settings?  

All user settings can be added/modified/deleted by following the instructions below. 

Here's how to find User Settings:

  1. Time-Off Module
  2. Manage Users
  3. User List
  4. Edit User Settings


  1. Here's how to Add an Allowance 
***Keep in mind the best way to add an allowance to a user is by applying a policy.
  • To Add a new Allowance to a User select Add New
  • Choose the Time-Off Type in question (Only Deductible Time-Off type are available
  • The calendar Year Renewal (Specify when you want this time-off type to renew. Leaving this blank will default the calendar year to that of the user's which can be found within their options tab.)
  • Restriction:
    • Balance Required: In order to make a Time-Off request, the user will need to have enough hours remaining in their balance. 
    • Allow Pre-Book: In order to make a Time-Off Request, the user needs to have available hours in their Estimated Year-End Balance. This option is only available to time-off types that uses balance accruals. 
    • Allow Overbook: There is no restriction. The user can request as much time as needed.
    • Accrued By Date: In order to make a time-off request, the user needs to have the available hours accrued by the date of the request. This option is only available to time-off types that uses balance accruals. 
  • Upon Renewal (Upon the start of the new year, you must instruct the system on what to do with the user's balance for this time-off types.)
  • Yearly Allowance (Number of hours/days allocated every calendar year.)
  • Add to balance? (Do you want the Allowance change to be added to the Balance)
  • Auto Approval (Do you want this user to have their request automatically approved for this time-off type?)
  • Request Enabled (Do you want this user to have the ability to submit time-off request with this time=off type?)
  • Email User? (Do you want to send an email to the user regarding these changes?)
  • Add
  1. Here's how to Modify an Allowance
  • Select Edit
  • Modify the Allowance settings
  • Save
  1. Here's how to Delete an Allowance
  • Select the delete icon
  • Confirm
Please note the following when deleting a time-off type Allowance:
The user's current balance for this time-off type will be set to 0.
The user won't be able to submit time-off request with this time-off type anymore.


  1. Here's how to Modify a Balance
  • Select Edit
  • Modify the balance by adding or subtracting hours or days to the Time Off of choice.
*** Note: Modify the user’s balance, will not reflect changes to the user’s allowance. 
  • Add a message to the user (optional) 
  • Save  
  1. Here's how to access the audit trail 
  • Select View Audit Trail 

Approval Path 

The Approval Path lets you decide how managers will have to approve time-off requests. By default, any managers of this user approving will actually approve the request. You can pick from 3 different methods of approval, which are as follow:
  1. Any manager
Anyone of the available managers for this user can approve requests. The request just needs one approval.
  1. X out of Y managers
A certain number of managers (X) out of all possible managers (Y) for this user must approve the request in order for it to be fully approved.
  1. Specific sequence
Managers must approve the request in a specific order before it's fully approved.
The order in which the managers will appear in the Sequenced Managers section will be the order in which the requests will need to be approved.
Drag and Drop managers from the  Available Managers into the  Sequenced Managers.


You can specify which managers this Employee/Manager will be managed by or who this Manager will be managing. When managing certain users, Managers will receive email notifications whenever these users request new time-off. Managers will also be able to approve/reject/cancel requests sent by these users.
To Add or Modify Employee/Manager select Edit.  

Balance Accrual

Time-off Balance Accruals is a feature which automatically adds additional balance to your users' time-off banks, at certain intervals. The interval can be daily, weekly, every X month, semi-monthly or every 2 weeks.

Banked Time

Below is this user's Banked Time information. You can transfer  unused banked time to other  deductible time-off types. Note: The following values are based on the current calendar year.

Service Accrual 

Length of Service Accruals are used to add allowance/balance to a user's time-off types after a certain number of years/months of service is reached, based on a company's length of service accruals. By default, each newly created users are not set up to use Length of Service Accruals.
Use the drop-down menu under "Service Accrual" to assign/revoke this user from having Length of Service Accruals.

Calendar View

By default, employees, and managers are only able to see certain users on their calendar, depending on which account option is selected. In this section, you can override the selected account option, and allow this user to view additional employees, managers, or even complete user departments on the calendar.
Users will be able to view the approved (and possibly pending requests) of these additional users on the calendar, but will not be able to see their details.


You can modify the Hours in a Full Day, Calendar Year Settings and Work Week.