Sending Out Welcome Email

Is the Welcome Email editable?
Yes, it is possible to add a custom message to the Welcome Email before being sent out.
Will this automatically be sent to the users upon creation of their account?
The Welcome Email is manually sent.  All users can be sent the email at the same time.
Can I re-send the email if a user has misplaced the email or lost their login details?
Yes, a Welcome Email can be sent to any user at any time.  It can also be sent to allow users who have lost their login information to reset their details.
Here's how to send a Welcome Email:
  1. In the Staff Module, click Welcome Email on the left side.  
  2. Select all users who should receive the Welcome Email. Clicking the highlighted box at the top will allow you to select all users.  
  3. Then click "Send Welcome Emails"
  4. You do have the option to add a custom message by selecting No - I want to add my own custom message
  5. When completed make sure to select Send 

Please note that the Welcome Emails can also be sent from the individual's User Profile page under the Account tab.

Here's how to log in with the Welcome email